Leadership development

Leadership is not a ‘members only’ club reserved for those who were “born to lead.” The characteristics that make up the raw materials of leadership can be acquired. Connect them with desire, passion and calling and nothing can keep you from becoming a leader.


Some people have a more instinctive grasp of how to lead than others. These ‘naturally born leaders’ will always surface, but their impact hinges upon their ability to complement natural talent with learned skills. Ultimately, leadership is not only discovered but developed.


Now as we look to the Word of God the Scriptures are replete with leadership models – kings, prophets, generals, administrators, strategists, visionaries and the like. Today as we consider the church and para-church organizations we find that there are many opportunities and positions to be filled by quality spirit-filled leaders.


If you are serving in or leading a ministry, planting a church, or simply desire to hone your skills as a seasoned leader consider REGISTERING for one of our Leadership Skills Workshop!